Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 10, 2013

Running: Quit At Never At BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2013 (Putrajaya)

Completed my 3rd half-marathon (21KM) at BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2013 last Saturday. The running event was held at Dataran Putrajaya, WP Putrajaya. This run was my HM anniversary since I started my first HM at the same event last year.

This time I ran with my young brother +Shafwan Wahab, but without the usual Teh Tarik Runners, Irhash and Sharizal. However, I met some hometown Sabahan friends running in the same category.

Race Details

Date : 19 October 2013 (Saturday)
Categories Distance: 42KM, 21KM, 10KM and 5KM

Runner's Entitlement

- Exclusive Brook's Running Singlet
- Race Number Bib with RFID
- Finisher Medal for ALL finishers
- Finisher Tee for HM and FM

Running Day
Weather was just fine during flag off time. Water stations offers water and wet sponge. There was also one banana station for runners after the 10KM mark. Had to make 2 toilet emergency stops during my whole 21KM run. The route was modified a bit differently from the previous year.

Pictures taken with my iPhone5 without flash.

Water station
Full stock of banana
Completed the run for 21.0975KM at 3 hours 6 minutes (Nett Time). Finisher medal was given at the finishing line. Finisher tee and snack pack had to be collected at the finisher tee booth a few meters away. 

Exhibition Area

Half Marathon Finisher's Medal and Tee

Great medal design
Love the t-shirt design
Very less mobile toilet facility after the 10KM distance. Had to find other alternative at KM17. Medical unit lacks of hot muscle spray. They only had ice packs and hot cream but only at the medical van units. Heard from far that there were free prizes give-away hosted by the orange man on stage. Too bad I was too tired to walk-back to check it out.

Summary: Well done to the oganisor and partners! However, there are still things that could be improved. I will definitely return next year.

Event Recommendation: ★★★ (5/5)

BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2013 (21.0975KM) Completed!

PS: Running in Adidas King Of The Road (KOTR) Malaysia 2013 next after few hours.

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