Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 9, 2013

Running: Stronger with Every Step at ReebokΔONE Challenge 2013 (Putrajaya)

Completing the ReebokΔONE Challenge 18.95K 2013

This is a review post of the event from my previous post:

Running Day
Reached the gathering venue 20 minutes before flag off. Ample parking due to event location. Gathering location was the usual spot for most running event in Putrajaya, in front of Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya. Didn't noticed any pre-run water station at the area. Only able to fill my water bottle at the 1st water station on KM3. Should have prepared my water bottles the night before. Remaining distance markers could be seen at every kilometer.

Managed to do a steady run for 10KM towards the first obstacle. Route was flat with a bit of hill climb along the way.

The Obstacles
The obstacles begun at 10KM mark. Here are the list of obstacles runners have to do to move forward to the finishing line.

  1. Sandbag Challenge
  2. Monkey Bar
  3. Hurdles
  4. Ant Hill Challenge
  5. Gradiant Hill Climb Obstacle
  6. Trail Run Obstacle
  7. Tires / Speed Shift Obstacle
  8. The Wall Obstacle
  9. Final Obstacle: 2 Ford Ranger
There was a penalty for runners who failed to complete the obstacles. Runners are required to do 10 burpees as a penalty to continue the run. Only noticed some runners doing those at the monkey bar challenge. Think the bar may be bit slippery with sweaty hands.

Lining up for turn at the Sand Bag obstacle
Monkey Bar
Ant Hill
Gradiant Hill Obstacle

Isotonic drink at last!
Downhill into the trail track
Tyres / Speed Shift Obstacle
Wall Obstacle

Final Obstacle
Finishing The Run
I managed to complete all obstacles. The hardest for me was the gradiant hill climb. Had to walked thru the entire route to the top. Not a big fan of running up-hill.

At the last 5KM mark, it was just a normal run towards the finishing line. However at the last KM, runners are required to climb across the back of a Ford Ranger.

Managed to finished the run at 2:45 minutes inclusive of the challenges traffic. Think my time would be better if it was a normal flat run. Collected my finisher medal at the finishing line and finishing tee at the collection booth. Had to ask other runners for finisher tee collection direction since the collection booth was a few meters ahead. There was a buffet meal for runners too.

Below route map for this event via Nike+ Running app.

I had fun running in this event. Lots of friendly runners to run with since I registered alone. Finisher tee design was cool. Water station location along the running route was good, but wish could have more isotonic drinks instead of normal water. Isotonic drink was only available on the 12KM mark. Was surprised there was selection size for XS at the finisher tee booth. This was never mentioned when I registered earlier. I am a S or XS size shirt guy. Medical team was available at most check-points, but lack of muscle spray. They only provide ice packs.

A big thank you to the cute lady in blue offering me those muscle cramp pills after doing the wall obstacle.

Thanks lady in blue
Summary: A great event by Reebok Malaysia and partners! Hope to see another great event next year.

Event Recommendation: ★★★ (4/5)

ReebokΔONE Challenge 18.95K 2013 Completed!

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