Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 10, 2014

Running: Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Hours after completing my 3rd anniversary half marathon at BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2014, I was already back home preparing for 10K in Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2014.

Similar to last year, race pack collection was held at Dataran Underground, Dataran Merdeka few days prior to race day on 12 October 2014, Sunday. Exhibition booths by partners and sponsors were available with products promotions. Had the chance to meet my x-colleague, Aishah managing the race pack collection at the counter. Saw the avid runner Mohd Azmi with friends checking out merchandise promotions at the expo too.

SCKLM 2014 Race Pack
Race Day
My young brother +Shafwan Wahab was already on his way to the starting line at 4.30am for his Full Marathon.

No problem getting to the race venue as LRT service (PUTRA) was available since 3am in conjunction with the event. Had to rush myself to the starting line since I woke up late 1 hours before flag off at 6.15am. Decided to run with my backpack along since I didn't have much time to go to the baggage deposit counter.

Category signages by the volunteers sure help to navigate to the start area. This year, the starting line for 10K was in front of SOGO KL. 

Weather was a little hazy and humid. The race course was nearly similar to KL Car Free Day, organised by DBKL every 1st week Sunday of the month. Never ran on that week yet though. The route selected was very scenic with Kuala Lumpur iconic towers in sight. Ran on Kuala Lumpur main road such as Jalan P. Ramlee and Jalan Ampang. Passed by the iconic KLCC Twin Tower with KL Tower in sight.

Saw many PNM2014 FM and HM participants wearing their finisher tee running in this category. Saw a HCC friend, Vincent Ooi running too. Heard that it was his first official 10K race. Good job buddy!

Had to stop and rest at the 2nd water station once I started to feel some pain at my ankle area. Had the chance to chat with those friendly volunteers at the water station while resting. 

Friendly Volunteers

Distance Selfie
So after more than 1 and a half hours, I managed to complete the race. Collected my finisher medal, a bottle of water and banana at the finisher tent. 

Photo courtesy of Chan Wk
I straight head 100 - 200 metres away from the finishing line, joining other participants to cheer and support the FM and HM participants which were still running. Made some new friends along the way.

Finisher Medal
Route Map by Nike+
Saw some familiar faces in the cheering crowd. Met Mr. Leong Kwan Weng who have just completed his race taking photograph of runners. Saw my x-colleague Arsheeda who was running in HM and Mohd Azmi in FM while waiting for my younger brother Shafwan to cross the finishing line.

Supporters (Runners, Family and Friends)
Leong Kwan Weng in action
Running Buddy
Running Family Buddy
Photo courtesy of Mohd Azmi FB
Exhibition Area
Didn't bother to check out the exhibition area though. I was already too tired to check out the partners and sponsors booth. Priority given to VIP's and Standard Chartered Bank's employee at their huge tent with massages and F&B.

Met Kak Fazu and her team there also.
With Kak Fazu
Event Area
Event Area
Medal was OK, but I was not so impressed with the medal design this year. Vest was fine, but colour and design could be better.

Good support from volunteers and freelance photographers at the event. Big thanks to Chan WK, Leong Kwan Weng and other photographers for their hardwork.

Summary: Excellent race event by organisor and partners.

Event Recommendation: ★★★★★ (5/5)

Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2014 Completed!

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