Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 11, 2014

Running: MAKNA Founder's Night Run 2014 (Putrajaya)

Opening my November month with a 10K night run at MAKNA Founder's Night Run 2014 on 1 November 2014, Saturday.

Signed up for this race during the Hari Raya Holiday's last August 2014. This was my first-time running in this MAKNA event. With a fee of RM45 (10K), participants are entitled for finisher medal and running tee. Had my race pack collected by a friend of mine 1 week before race day. Opted for the 10K category since I was supposed to be running with my running partner.

Race Day
A 30 minutes drive from Kuala Lumpur to the race area. Parking was a bit difficult since fist-come-first serve basis. A lot of cars seen parked at the road side along the area up till 1KM away.

Baggage desposit was fast by the volunteers. A numbered artcard was given and stapled on runners bib for collection afterwards.

The 10K category was flagged at 8.20pm, 20 minutes after the 15KM. I started as the last few runners in the 10K distance. Was not expecting any PB in this race. The night was warm and humid.

Photo courtesy of Run & Explore
Saw medical volunteers at every water stations. Distance markers were seen too. Noticed that the 2KM to go marker was not accurate since my Nike Running app was capturing KM7.

Excellent traffic control by PDRM and marshals along the route. I definitely love the idea of blocking 2 lanes (left and middle) for runners safety on the road. 

Running Map Nike+
Completed the run at  1 hour 7 minutes (Nike+ App). Collected the finisher medal and mineral water at the crossing line. A few metres walk for goodie bag collection. Tons of items in the large goodie bag such as box of cereal, cream crackers and vouchers. Had to line-up at the MILO booth for free cup of MILO. 

Bumped with my old schoolmate Taariq at the gathering area. Saw the avid runner Mohd Azmi with friends also. Left the area without doing my completed end run pose at the event photowall. 

Running Buddy
Running Buddy
Event was well-managed by Twenty First Century Sports, Hooha and their partners. Tons of volunteers and traffic marshals. 

Was glad that they managed to get Brooks as their official apparel for the running tee. However, the V-neck cutting size was a little off than the usual Brooks running tee. I did compare most of my Brooks running tee from past events, This version was similar with PNM2014 cutting size. Finisher medal was huge with a unique design. 

The only drawback was there was no proper photowall with lighting for participants to take photo with. Since it was a night race, I would expect to see a well-lit event area as the organisor also organised the yearly BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon. Too bad I couldn't find one. My only option was the main stage, but prize giving ceremony was in progress at that time.

Kudos to Running Malaysia Magazine, Run & Explore and other freelance photographers of the night!

Summary: Well-managed race event by organisor, sponsors and partners. A good running experience.

Event Recommendation: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)

MAKNA Founder's Night Run 2014 Completed!

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