Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 5, 2016


Hey Zengarmy,

Okay this is probably TMI (Too Much Information) but I spent almost 30 minutes
trying to create a decent blog post thumbnail for this review. I'm quite satisfied
with the final thumbnail what do you guys think?? I assumed you all like it. *ahem*
I'm having a hard time naming this type of review because it's neither a food review
nor a gameplay review. Hence, after numerous hours of pondering and contemplating,
I finally ended up naming this review a "Play Review". You'll know more about that as
you continue reading so don't worry if you can't catch the ball right now. You're forgiven.

( Great intro Zeng Teck. Great intro. )

The Meeples Board Game Café is essentially a café that caters for not only
food but also a myriad of Europian board games to the customers. Think of it
as a diluted version of cyber café (without all the computer shits) & that's IT.

As you can see from the photos I've taken, the amount of Europian board games
available in this Meeples Board Game Café is literally as diverse as compared
to a library! So don't you ever worry about feeling bored because as soon as
you're bored of the board game you're currently playing with, you can simply
just tell the person in charge and they'll get you more board games according to
your liking. (eg: a board game for 12 players that can last for at least 20 minutes)

The person in charge at the café are definitely very friendly and helpful,
in the sense that they'll patiently explain the rules of the board game for you
before you started playing the game. I'll definitely give them a 4/5 stars for their
services, because I've previously encountered some really unprofessional employees
in other places, that will give you the sibeh dulan unpleasant grumpy face expression
when you ask them to explain the game rules too often (basically more than 2 times).

I went with my friends to this café earlier today, and I must honestly
say that I've had a really great time there! All the phones were put on the
tables as none of us really had the interest to bother with our phones ;)
It was such a great opportunity for us to bond with each other and just
basically indulge in all the crazy screaming and laughing and fun nudging!

Okay I know what you're probably thinking right now.

"Zeng Teck, if you said nobody have the interest to bother with their phones
then how come you're the one holding the phone snapping photos all the way?"

My explanation for that will be : A blogger gotta do what a blogger gotta do ;)
Having said that, I only managed to grab a few photos for the first few rounds
of board games as I too was also busy playing the games later on. Teeeeheee!

Lol if you noticed something, my friend is literally playing with her phone (busted).
Okay lah maybe not ALL people didn't have the interest to bother with their phones.
However, I swear to God as the games (we played more than 5 types) go on, none of
us are bothered with our phones heheh! I would definitely recommend you guys to go
and check out this café if you happened to live in the area around SS15 Subang Jaya!
As for those of you guys who don't live in KL or even Malaysia, I'm sure there are similar
cafés like this! Please go and check out those types of cafés with your buddies as well :)

It's really fun. *pinky promise*

For further information regarding Meeples Board Game Café (eg : prices),
please kindly visit for MORE!



 photo zeng teck signature_zpscpamp0ov.jpg

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