Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 3, 2015

Running: MRC 10KM Charity Run For Humanity 2015 (Sabah)

Since 2XU Compression Run 2015 was postponed, I decided to modify my Singapore travel plans and came back to my lovely hometown, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for the weekend. Shorten my stay in Singapore and flew home from Johor Bahru after collecting my 2XU race pack.

I am fortunate that the MRC 10K Charity Run for Humanity 2015 is happening the same weekend held at Stadium Likas. Never did signed up for this race event, hence planning to 'ghost run' but I was lucky to get a to let-go race BIB from a friend. Met Ajib the night before race day for the running tee and race BIB.

Race Pack
Race Entitlement

Race Day
Reached the event area 30 minutes the 10KM flag off at 6.30am. No problem with parking since the venue was at the state official stadium. Decided to wear my 2XU Compression Run official kit this round since the event running tee was large for me. Able to meet my runner friend, Deffna and friends at the starting line.  The race event was flagged by the State TYT.

The race includes a very scenic view of Kota Kinabalu coastal area in the morning. Race route was flat heading towards Yayasan Sabah, suitable for all type of runners.

Race Day
Race Day
Race Day
Race Day
Traffic and safety of runners were well managed with 1 lane of the road was blocked off for participants. Traffic marshal from PDRM and volunteers were seen along the race route. First water station was located at about KM5 manned by cheerful volunteers with Bulan Sabit as medics.

Race Day
Race Day
Along my run, saw some familiar faces from the Condura Skyway Marathon last January like Nasier and Christine.

Race Day
Race Day
Race Day
Race Day
Race Day
Water Station
Finished the run back at Stadium Likas at 1:16 hours for 11KM distance based on my Nike+. Received a bottle of water, a pack of snack and a certificate of appreciation at the finishing line.

Running Map
No finisher medal given due to medal delivery delay. This was communicated earlier by the organisor at the official facebook page. The issue however received positive response by participants since the organisor was able to managed finishers expectations. The organisor will organise for finisher medal collection and delivery next Monday.

Certificate of Appreciation
Regrouped with Deffna, Erin Gray, Donna, Lina, 'Coach' Jason, Jeffrey, Jocelyn, Jane and others at the field. Did some long photo session and some "memanjat" poses with the Yoga group.

Running Friends
Running Friends
Running Friends
Running Friends
Running Friends
Event Area
There was a lucky draw session after the race. Saw some bicycles, electrical appliances and hampers as prizes. Saw a few tents and tables giving away bottle mineral water and snacks. Was good to see a photo banner act as event photo wall at this event. The was also a pledge @ message wall with heart shape stickers by Red Crescent for participants to write their support messages.

Event Area
Event Area
Event Area
Event Area
Running tee design was nice. Its unfortunate that I didn't get my own size since it was a "Let-Go" race kit. Felt that the race BIB was a bit small. Couldn't really comment on the finisher medal due to the delay issue. Wish I could get my finisher medal. Left my race BIB at home in KK and only will be back near to Borneo International Marathon 2015.

Saw some running photos taken by freelancers photographers - Kudos! However, I am not sure about any official event photographers. I did noticed a Nikon photographer at the event area though.

I was glad able to run in this event. Had the opportunity to meet old and new friends. 

Summary: A very well done to organisor, sponsors and partners. Hope to see improvement in your future events.

Event Recommendation: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)

MRC 10KM Charity Run for Humanity 2015 Completed!

P/S: Jumpa kita karang di BIM 2015. Sa buat HM saja tu.

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