Well, hello there! If you're new to this blog — Hey, my name is Zéng and I am
(not surprisingly) the most inconsistent blogger to ever exist on planet Earth! ✨
After my last blog entry — dated mid-September 2018 — I've inevitably gone on another
of my blogging hibernation for a WHOLE MONTH without even realizing it. A crazy lot has
happened: work has been rather stressful & demanding to me; people have been asking
me for money (including my mom, whom I've been actively sweeping her request under
the carpet) despite knowing that I get paid a meager amount of money as a fresh-grad;
& I had my (first ever) experience of babysitting a drunk friend — it's more surreal than I
would‘ve imagined it to be! On the bright side of it all (amen!), 2 weeks ago, I finally had
my long-awaited-7-days-break from work — and, as you would have guessed it — I literally
spent it all in the cinema, religiously catching up with the new releases that I've missed.
It was a heavenly one-week break for me, in
case you're wondering (which you shouldn't).

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▲ All the 6 movies that I've watched during my break + their respective ratings from me. |
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, you'll be aware of
the star-studded phenom A Star Is Born. This movie became my new 2018 favorite for a
number of reasons: because Lady Gaga is in it; because Bradley Cooper is in it;
YoU aLL kNoW hOw ObSeSsEd I wAs WiTh La lA lAnD); because the charming love interest
in the film exhibits a more realistic portrayal than what audiences are usually accustomed
to; because it's just a good movie. Period! People are eating it up, just as much as I did
when I saw this movie on my first date on a quiet Friday afternoon sometime 2 weeks ago.

Yes, I finally went on another date with a guy asdfghjkl!!!! (but *ahem* that is not
the point of this post). THE POINT IS, despite being on a (first) date, I was totally
engrossed in this movie. If this doesn't speak something to you, I don't know what
else I can say! A Star Is Born turned out to be the only saving grace of my October
month, when I went through some rough patches in my life. It's a movie for all the
dreamers. It reminds us to hang on tight, to stay true to our visions, and to chase
our dreams. Would I say the movie is something extraordinary? Absolutely not.
In fact, the movie almost resembles a documentary to me — not exactly a flattering
comment to be given to a movie, huh? However, albeit a screening length of 2 hours &
16 minutes, A Star Is Born is able to fully captivate my attention, which is impressive,
considering the fact that a guy was sitting next to me holding my hand in the public
and this was the third movie I've watched in the span of 2 days. In many ways, this
movie wowed me: Gaga's superb acting skill, Cooper's amazing vocals (that I never
thought I would need in my life before), and most importantly — the soundtrack!

I do have to say though, that if you're not a music person (aka if you hate anything
music-related) — you'll probably find this movie underwhelming. Soundtrack played
a major role and made up the bulk of this film, and it's safe to say that this movie
will likely fall short to the audience's expectations should the movie soundtrack is
badly composed — which, in this case, it isn't! Prior to the movie release, Gaga
released a couple of soundtracks from the movie and truthfully, I wasn't bothered
by them. Until I watch the movie. When put together in a flow, the soundtrack is
pure genius and delight to my ears. I especially adore the songs in the beginning
of the film like Gaga's rendition of La Vi En Rose and Cooper's Maybe It's Time, as
supposed to the bigger hits from the movie like Shallow, probably because I have
a softer spot for clean, acoustic songs. I also loved how this movie offered the
audience a bigger peep into the substance abuse and depression issues that are
no strangers in the popstar scene. Overall, I am very much in love with this film!
However, I do have some friends who felt neutral about A Star Is Born
and I think it would be interesting to include one of my friend's POV ▼

Meh? Wowed? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Also, as you're reading this, I'm most probably going to watch
the freaking Bohemian Rhapsody these couple of days (or even
NOW, if I'm lucky enough to grab a ticket!) so EXPECT A LONG-
Until then, take care & stay weird!


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