Hey Zengarmy,
# Rule 1 : Don't make a sound.
# Rule 2 : Never leave the path.
# Rule 3 : Red. means. R U N.

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▲ Here's another version of my thumbnail that (sadly) didn't make the cut — but I really like it so I figured I'd just put it here for your view! 😂 |
Errmm I cAnNoT bELiEvE my last movie review was like 3 mOnTHs aGo??!!??
Hot damn. I swear I've been watching movies (even though only a couple,
and by "couple" I literally mean ONLY THREE MOVIES — my old movie buff
self is SHAKING his head at my current self!) 😭 I don't know if it's just
me, but am I the only one who is sick and tired of watching all the
blockbuster movies cause they all look the same?? The only good
movie out of the 3 I've watched in the past 3 months is (without
a doubt) the fucking amazing The Greatest Showman *insert
standing ovation gif here*! Contrary to the popular belief, I'm
not much of a big fan of Black Panther (to me it's just another
Hollywood movie that follows the bAsiC Hollywood blockbuster
recipe and there's nothing special about it), much less the (very)
disappointing Red Sparrow that overly exploits violence & nudity,
to the point where I don't even know what the storyline of the movie
is exactly about anymore — it seems to be all about killing and fucking!

So yea, that's my short
writing any movie reviews for the past 3 months. I was VERY CLOSE in
writing one for The Greatest Showman, but it ended up staying as a
draft in my blog archive for 2 weeks & I just don't feel like posting it
anymore. (maybe I don't love the movie as much as I thought I was?)
Anyway, today is finally the day where
I'm bringing you the HOT TEA + spilling
it ALL OUT on why A Quiet Place is your
2018 must-watch that you shouldn't miss!
The message of the trailer is clean and clear. Rule of thumb, make a sound and you'll die.
Not an extremely original idea out there but it's decently fresh (enough) hahah. I wasn't
particularly intrigued by the trailer but oh fuck I LOVE JOHN KRASINSKI (and Emily Blunt
too hihi don't feel left out girl!). THAT hit my soft spot, and you best believe I've been
WAITING until it hit the cinema yesterday. I was initially quite hesitant about spending
money on this movie, for fear that it would turn out to be another cookie-cutter corny
horror film that is just totally meh — but I was completely proven wrong. I ended up
having the best 1.5 hours of my time watching this movie, and I'm already planning
to go and watch it again next weekend! I found a paragraph of review on IMDb that
BEST described and explained how I feel about this movie & I'd like to share that:

Indeed, one of the most important element that made this movie outstanding is the
fact that only 10% (if not, lesser than 10%) of the film contains dialogue between the
characters. This movie is silent 90% of the time — which made me constantly on my
fucking toes as I have to be so vigilant to brace myself for any jump-scares! It could
appear anytime, the monster could appear a-n-y-t-i-m-e! A Quiet Place does bring
the viewers into its very own other-worldly horror dimension by putting the viewers
in the same circumstance as the movie characters: SILENCE. I was lucky enough to
have watched this movie this morning (yay!) when there wasn't a lot of viewers in
the movie screening room (hence zero noise). However, if you're watching this
movie in a crowded room with people who just cannot fucking stop talking,
you might not enjoy this movie as much as I do — I DO HAVE TO WARN YOU!
In terms of the "level of scariness" of this movie, I do feel like it's more
towards the "manageable scariness" side of the spectrum — which, some
HARDCORE horror film lovers might probably be disappointed about. If
you're watching this movie to be scared, you might, but that's not a
promise. But if you're watching this movie to be touched, you will,
and that's a promise from me. I do appreciate that this movie is not
THAT overwhelmingly scary, as it allowed me to really be touched by
the characters in the movie. I would highly recommend this movie to
all of you guys — even for those who are scared of horror elements!

The approach of this movie in telling the plot to the viewers is VERY engaging.
I do think that every single shot and frame of the movie is immaculately picked
& placed to ensure the impeccable flow of the storyline. I usually would have at
least something to critique after watching a movie BUT I HAVE NOTHING BAD TO
SAY ABOUT THIS MOVIE, WHAT THE HECK! I am truly, truly, truly, truly impressed.
I was IMMENSELY SHOCKED by the first scene of the movie — as I was definitely NOT
prepared for the baby to be eaten by a monster within the first 5 minutes of the
movie! To me, the first scene has successfully set the pace for the rest of the
story: nobody is safe, if you make a sound, you die. It puts me in a survival
mode and that definitely made me empathize so much with the characters of
the movie — one slight mistake of making a loud noise? you fucking die. The
logic behind the movie did bother me prior to watching this movie. How can
you NOT make a noise? Isn't walking and breathing creating noise? But all of
my queries are gradually cleared as I continue watching the story. This movie
does not spoon-feed you with details, instead, it calls for you to notice the
details yourself — and I'm totally digging it. The movie cast is superb (wow
definitely a "non-biased" statement from me). Apart from John Krasinski &
Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds is my absolute favorite. I like that she's not
conventionally pretty. She doesn't have conventionally feminine face features
& THAT fits her character like a glove. I really hope this movie will jump start
her career! Noah Jupe, on the other hand, is just another pretty boy actor
with pretty face to me hahah — but he still delivered a good performance!

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For those of you who've watched the movie, let's talk about a few of my

Btw I found the exact song played during this scene — it made me cry! ▼

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▲ When she said this line, I totally lost my shit. Damn you, Emily! |

[ Overall, 9/10 for A Quiet Place! ]
HIghly, highly recommend this movie to each and everyone of you!!!
I always have a HUGE crush on every male lead of every movie that I've watched
( I'm tragic af don't even get me started on how tragic I am when I have a crush )
so here's a cute photo of John Krasinski looking all cute and dashing and perfect!

I'm going to watch this movie for the second time this weekend see ya bitches!


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