Hey Zengarmy,
( This post is late, as per usual — story of my life! )
Long time no see! Okay, first of all, SORRY if you've been waiting for this post
since Monday! I've been extremely busy (and unwell) over the last weekend that
I don't even have the time & effort to properly edit all of the photos that I've taken
from my trip to Bangkok — hence the absence of new post on my blog this Monday!
(however I did manage to edit and post a few photos on my Instagram so if you haven't
followed on me Instagram, YOU'RE SERIOUSLY MISSING OUT ON GOOD STUFF. Just saying.)

Visiting Bangkok has never been a part of my traveling bucket list (I'm more attracted
to seasonal countries such as Japan), so when I got the news from my mom back in
this February that we are going to visit Bangkok at the end of April, I wasn't majorly
excited or whatsoever. I mean, I'm VERY LUCKY to have the opportunity to travel to
Thailand, but if somebody who loves Thailand showed up in front of me and asked
for my flight ticket, I would gladly pass mine as a gift — that's how I felt. I realized
I probably sounded like an ungrateful bitch but I think you get what I'm trying to say!
▲ Posted this on my Instagram the day
before my flight because I'm EXTRA AF.
Believe it or not, it's been 9 YEARS since I last boarded a flight! — yes I'm not even
kidding about it, the last time I was on an airplane is when I was a 12-year-old kid
on my primary school graduation trip — and that was only an internal flight heheh!
Due to my motion sickness, I'm definitely not the best when it comes to "enjoying
the process of traveling" — particularly during flights. I can still vividly remember
seeing one of my primary schoolmate puking the fuck out of his stomach on that
trip — while feeling the pressure in my stomach, hoping that I'll not be the next.
I didn't puke on that plane by the way.
( in case any of you are wondering about it )

Taking that lesson into account, I've made sure to pack enough anti-motion-sickness
pills with me to last me throughout the entire vacation, and it was one of the wisest
decisions I've ever made in my life! The flight was incredibly PACKED TO THE BRIM,
which did not make the situation any better, hahahahahah! (but I did take a bunch
of amazing photos so I will overlook that). Flying on an economic class is definitely
not much of an enjoyable experience — it took me a while to convince myself that
the plane is not going to crush. Surprisingly, the time in Thailand is an hour earlier
than Malaysia (I didn't know that!) so when we finally reached there at around
8:30 a.m. Malaysia time after a 2-hour flight, it was only 7:30 a.m. in Thailand!
And the worst part? We can only check in to the hotel at 2 p.m. Thailand time!
[ DAY 1 : Exploring Pratunam Market ]

One particularly interesting observation that I've made when visiting Bangkok is that:
throughout my ENTIRE stay at Bangkok, there are legitimately less than 5 traffic lights
(that I've seen) on the roads! All vehicles will literally just drive into small lanes full of
walking people like nobody's business! The city/district that I was staying at is called
Pratunam, and I think it's one of the main tourist spot in Bangkok because the streets
are just FULL OF PEOPLE 24/7 hahahah! I personally am a little bit claustrophobic, &
I CAN'T IMAGINE how people with severe claustrophobic will feel while walking down
these streets famous for the busy morning markets. However, if you're a person who
enjoys loudness and being in crowded open space, I can reassure you that Pratunam
will probably be one of your most favorite cities that you've ever visited in your life!
"Being in an ant hole full of ants" will be the most appropriate phrase to describe
my experience. After adapting myself to the loudness (that is very different from my
"natural habitat" lol) of the surrounding, I find myself falling in love with how vibrant
the city is. Even though most of the buildings there are very cacat (old), there's just
something magical about Pratunam! We stopped by a noodle shop nearby our hotel
for some breakfast and the shop was incredibly small, but I like how bizzare that is!

If you're a big eater, food at Pratunam will probably piss you off because the portion
is so small (and the bowl is so big)! But I think they have their reasons of not wanting
the tourists to waste food (most tourists like to try a little bit of everything) so all is
FORGIVEN. On a positive note, the small portion allows you to try different food from
different stalls without having your stomach exploded! After having our breakfast,
we decided to stroll around on the streets for a while — and ended up munching on
158769170 other food along the way hahah! After realizing that the morning markets
are a literal MAZE and there's no hope for us to explore everything without getting
totally lost, we decided to head back to the hotel to freshen up a little bit, before
heading back out for more adventures. The hotel that we were staying at is called
First House Hotel (click for more info!), which is really convenient for sightseeing.
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▲ FYI these are my legs. (I just shaved them the day before the flight haha) |
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how cleanly shaved my legs WERE?
(It's hairy AF now as I'm typing this post so) 😂 After resting for like 0.189 seconds
at the hotel room, the adventure resumes. We decided to try out the "authentic"
Thai foot massage, but the one that we went to was quite disappointing — instead
of feeling painful, I actually felt TICKLED during the massage HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
(that's how bad it was) But nevertheless it was still a good experience for me heheh!

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▲ My first try of the famous Bangkok icon — Tuk Tuk Car! (ps: I hated it) |
If you ever want to experience rollercoaster on the road, I would 10/10 recommend
Tuk Tuk Car! It's basically a cheaper, faster — and "UNSAFER" version of taxi in Bangkok.
If you hate riding on a motorcycle, DON'T EVEN try to sit on Tuk Tuk Car for a hot second.

Everything went pretty smooth for Day 1, except when I wanted to plug in my charger
Freaking out, I quickly googled the solution and realized that all I need is an adapter
— fortunately, the hotel receptionist does provide free adapters for all the ignorant
tourists like me HAHAHAHAH! If you're going to visit Thailand, don't forget to bring
along your portable charger with you! Take this as your most important life lesson!
[ Day 2 : Floating Market + Chinatown ]
Since Day 1 was quite an epic fail day (in terms of the number of tourist spots visited),
we decided to step up our tourist game in Day 2 by visiting THREE TOURIST SPOTS all in
the same day (we are extremely overzealous)! Unfortunately, most of the tourist spots
are pretty overrated in my opinion. I didn't enjoy most of the part of Day 2 because of
HOW UNBEARABLY HOT IT WAS — it was 41°C according to the weather report! 41°C!

I was honestly feeling deoxygenated throughout the entire boat ride because of the
weather!! At one point there were SO MANY BOATS in the same lane that we had to
wait at the exact spot for like 5 minutes before anyone can do anything. NOT FUN.
I would NOT recommend this to any of you guys because: (1) the boat ride is NOT
cheap, (2) it's EXACTLY THE SAME as going to the morning market, except you're
floating on the water instead of walking, and (3) the only thing worth the money
is that you get to take a lot of photos for your Instagram. That's literally it hahah!
Next stop : Railway Market!

The railway market is hands down the MOST DISAPPOINTING tourist spot of Day 2.
You might remember this market from the travel programmes on your TV screen,
but I'm telling you it's so much more anti-climax than what is portrayed on the TV.
I basically didn't get the chance to take a lot of photos because the place is packed
like a sardine can with tourists and their selfie sticks (hahah)! It feels exactly like
when you're in a concert full of people and you're standing at the most back row
trying to see what the hell is going on on the stage — you see NOTHING hahah!
When the train finally came at the speed of a bumper car (not joking), it feels
like a cringey show put up for 5-year-old kids. I was overall unimpressed.

By the time we arrived at Chinatown, it was late in the afternoon and the weather
was milder than before — and I've never felt better than that hahah! Chinatown is
probably the best tourist spot of Day 2 because THE FOOD IS HEAVENLY GOOD OMG!
There's nothing good food can't solve, mark Chinatown as your Bangkok must-visit!
[ Day 3 : Chatuchak & Getting Lost ]
By Day 3 i've already realized that there's nothing much to do in Pratunam other than
shopping — but my mom and aunts were having THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES — which put
me at a role of "shopping bag holder". We went to this HUGE weekend market called
Chatuchak Weekend Market (lol I'm repeating myself but whateva) and everything
was as chaotic as per usual. I was extremely anxious that day so taking photos was
the last thing I wanted to put on my to-do-list. However, I managed to take a few
quick photos (which are not very nice but I made them WORK with some filters)
& I'm going to add in some storytime below each of the photos, so here you go:

Storytime: I thought this photo would look VERY cool
because of the neon light sign (I'm a basic Instagram
bitch hahah) but it ended up looking extremely tacky.

Storytime: Me, my mom & my aunt got lost while trying to
go from a market to another market. We ended up asking
another tourist (lol!) from Hong Kong for the direction and
he was kind enough to tell me how to go there using the BRT
(one of Thailand's public commute system). I took this photo
just in case we have to ask direction from another stranger —
and we did heheh! The BRT in Thailand is extremely efficient
unlike Malaysia (#shade), so we took the BRT ride with ease —
besides having the chance to enjoy the city view from above!
I'm quite pissed at myself for not taking any photos while on BRT
(because that would make some GREAT SHOTS!) but as I've said —
I was too anxious to let my creative juices flow through my brain!

Storytime: We arrived at one of the hugest shopping mall in
Bangkok called Terminal 21 and I thought I would quickly snap
a picture as a prove that I was once at this mall. I'm glad that
these 2 blurry girls made this shot more unique hehehehehe!
[ Day 4 : Leaving Bangkok for Malaysia ]

I have nothing particularly to write for this section, apart from the fact that
I was quite glad that the vacation ended because I have like 5157916 million
schoolwork that couldn't be completed because (the hotel wifi is 💩💩💩💩).
Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed
reading this piece of crap, and I will see
you in my next post! (God knows when)


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