Hey Zengarmy,
It's Halloween month! Eeekkk!
(PS : I hope you've noticed the changing of the blog header! It's
my effort to visually celebrate Halloween on this blog for the rest
of the month! Yasssss, it's staying with us for the entire October!)
Okay first of all, thanks for making my previous movie review on
Train To Busan as one of my most-read post on this blog! Yippee!
I just wanted to point out that I'm IN NO WAY a professional movie
reviewer, and my movie reviews are mostly subjected to my mood
on the particular day I watched the particular movie (#relatable),
so yea, it still shocked me why that many people read my review.
But I'm not complaining tho heheheh!
Okay, not gonna lie. When I first watched the official trailer of this movie,
it looks a little bit meh to me. I don't know if it's just me or what, but this
trailer is NOT making me want to go watch this movie hahahahahahahhah.
Please don't hate me, whoever that made this trailer.
With its global release in 7 October 2016, (which is, 2 days ago, duh)
The Girl on the Train is yet another from-novel-to-screen movie that
has been gaining a tonne of social media attention due to the MAJOR
SUCCESS of the novel originally published in 13 January 2015 by Paula
Hawkins. Now, call me a frog under the well or a caveman under the
rock (I actually prefer to be called a frog under the well, just saying),
I personally haven't got the opportunity to read the novel yet, despite
the fact that it has been raved about by numerous bloggers & YouTubers
that I followed. I originally planned to read the novel before watching
the movie but later gave up due to the enormous amount of workload
I'm having in my current semester — which, I'm definitely gutted about.

Prior to watching this movie, I heard quite a lot of mixed reviews on
the original novel itself. Some say it is a knock-off version of the movie
"Gone Girl" (which is one of my favorite movie of all times. You NEED to
watch it if you haven't, this is an order!), while some say it is a second
close call to "Gone Girl" when it comes to choosing their most favorite
mystery/thriller movie — which speaks a lot to me since I'm so SO
obsessed with "Gone Girl". However, I decided NOT to put so much
high expectation on this movie before watching it, which is a WISE
decision. You'll know why later in this post. So keep on scrolling.

So I went with my friend Nicole (hi Nicole if you're reading this heheh)
this morning to watch the movie, and it is honestly A GOOD MOVIE!!!
A note worth taken here is that I actually went into the cinema without
reading the plots of original novel (which I highly suggest you to do so)
or having any unrealistically high expectation on how this movie should
be better than "Gone Girl". This is why you'll not find a single spoiler in
[ 8 out of 10 for The Girl on the Train! ]
Please don't look up on movie spoilers
for this movie. Trust me on this one.

For me personally, what attracts me THE MOST in a movie is an unexpected plot,
aka plot twists or just any creative way to make the ending TOTALLY blinded for
(which is why Game of Thrones is one of my favorite TV series of all times)

I wouldn't want to put up a stage fight between this movie and "Gone Girl",
but for those of you who're curious about my take on the comparison between
these two, I would say that "Gone Girl" is definitely far more twisted than this
movie (aka better than this movie). However, I think this movie is quite on par
with "Gone Girl", which SPEAKS A LOT considering this statement coming out of
the mouth of a "Gone Girl" supporter like me. I'll leave you to your imagination.

The only thing in this movie that I'm slightly unimpressed by, is how the
story is being told in numerous jumping scenes, which I think is how the
story is being told in the novel. But the thing is, for those who had already
read the novel, it will be easy-peasy for them to understand the story in the
blink of an eye, whereas for those like me who haven't read the novel yet,
it can sometimes get a tad bit confusing and disrupting for the audience.
Fortunately, I'm one of those people who LOVES COMPLICATED PLOTS.
However, if you're one of those people who often gets lost in the plot
out of nowhere, this movie might not be your cup of tea, just saying.
One thing I really really love about this movie is also, sarcastically,
the way the story is being told in a flashback manner. There are times
when I had to literally hold my breath in shock because the unveiled
truth is TOO MUCH FOR ME TO HANDLE. Watching this movie is like
peeling off an onion — it gets more and more disturbing as you
continue to unveil the truth of the story one layer by one layer.
Which, I think will be x614871591 more detailed in the novel
and I can't wait to get a copy and devour it anytime soon!

Speaking of the cast, Emily Blunt easily stole the entire show without even trying to!
This woman's acting skill is unbelievably good! I've known her name since her days in
The-Devil-Wears-Prada era and her acting skills had certainly matured over the course
of years. In this movie, she played the main character Rachel Watson, who is a divorced
alcoholic living in the shadows of her ex-husband and failed marriage. Her acting is so
realistic that 15 minutes into the movie I'm already connected with the emotions of
her character! NOW THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL AN ACTRESS! Her emotional scenes in
this movie are subtly tear-jerking (not to the extend of making you balling your
eyes out but still touching your heart), which, believe it or not, are often more
effective than the usual soap-opera crying scenes. Emily Blunt is simply amazing!

"I'm afraid of myself."
➜ One of the most heartfelt scene in the movie.

Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to find any HD pictures of him half-naked in this
movie, so here's just me trying hard to remind you of an impending hot guy alert.

You're welcomed.

All in all, will I recommend The Girl on the Train to you guys?
Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely. Be mentally prepared to go into the
cinema with a clear head and come out with a blown mind!
As quoted of my friend Nicole (who watched with me today),
this movie will make you ponder over humanity in a whole
new way and see the society in a whole new perspective.


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