Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 4, 2016


Hey Zengarmy,

Okay before anything else, if you're reading this and you haven't
watched my latest cover on my YouTube channel yet, I don't know
what you're doing with your life! Shall I remind you to watch it now?

If you like my cover of Kodaline's All I Want, then you would
probably love my cover of Ed Sheeran's The A Team even more!

#justsaying #buaypaiseh

Okay now that the shameless self-promo part is over,
I can continue with the usual chit-chat writing part now.

I kinda updated you guys about my encounter with The Sam Mojo
in a couple of my recent blog posts, but if you're new to my blog
(hello there!), I will just quickly summarize things so that it'll be
easier for your digestion (disgusting analogy, don't mind if I do).

So, a while back ago when I commented on a video from
The Sam Mojo's YouTube channel, I got a kind reply from them
asking me if I wanted to do a video collaboration with their channel,
since they are doing a music artist series called the RawBox Session,
where they feature YouTube music artists with smaller subscriptions
like me to do a 1 Mic 1 Take cover on their channel. If you don't know
what 1M1T means, it means doing an unplugged cover in one take.

What? Video collaboration? 1 Mic 1 Take? Me???

I was definitely on cloud nine due to the fact that it's my first
video collaboration with another YouTuber whom I didn't have
any previous contact with before! Hence, with my heart beat
racing, I said yes! Shortly after the agreement, we had a meet
up in real life. It was kinda awkward. I blogged about that in
THIS POST, so you can check that out if you missed the post :)
Samuel and his team decided to film TWO instead of only one
video so that we can both benefit from this video collaboration,

PS : This was taken on the day we met up. Very artsy. #approved

A lot of preparations went on in order for this collaboration to work.
Since I literally don't know how to play any kind of instruments (I suck),
I had to resort to asking my friend Kelson to help me out with instruments.
We kinda had a day of testing out my vocal capability in his college's studio,
and we ended up deciding on Kodaline's All I Want & Ed Sheeran's The A Team.

I decided to keep All I Want for my channel and The A Team for Samuel's
because The A Team is the first ever song that I've covered on my channel,
and I think it perfectly represents me and my YouTube journey as a whole.

Fast forward to the day of filming, I was surprisingly chilled,
I was like "fuck I can't breathe, my voice is trembling at full force!"

In short, I just don't function when I'm nervous.
It sucks to know that you could only do so much
when you could do 10X better in relaxed mode.
Nonetheless, I finally bit the bullet and went for it.
Including the introduction footage, I did everything
(2 introductions + 2 covers) in less than two hours,
which is totally unbelievable for me myself because
I always thought I would screw things up a million times!

I definitely had a really great experience working with The Sam Mojo
because they respect the artists they are working with really well.
If you watched his previous RawBox Session, you can tell that he
tailored the backdrop according to the artists' personality and not
what's simply fancy. And in my case, after hearing my stories, Samuel
decided to film the videos in a corridor that resembles confinement,
which pretty much sums up my characteristics & personalities. Lol.

Yeah. I don't even think half of the people who watched the video
noticed that. If you're one of them, rewatch the video & feel the vibe!

Before I end this blog post, I just want to quickly say
a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Samuel and his team for kindly
granting me the chance for doing this video collaboration!
(yes that's him in the picture that's how he looks like)

Please support The Sam Mojo, they put in a lot of effort in their work :

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