Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 10, 2015


Hey Zengarmy,

Okay who's ready for another story time ???!!!
Today I'm going to talk about my one of my recent drama on Facebook.
Being a blogger who owns tonnes of social medias to interact with my reader,
I sure know a lot about how to get attention from people, if I say so myself.
But recently I have been questioning my formula of getting attention.

"If they don't get the joke,
they don't deserve to get the joke."

 - Taylor Swift, 2015. 

Taylor Swift recently quoted this phrase in a magazine interview,
in which she addressed how certain community of people see her "Blank Space"
music video as her confession to her past failed relationship/romance,
when the actual meaning behind the music video is to serve as a sarcasm.

 That is exactly what I'm going to talk about today!
When my sarcasm is being misinterpreted into something else! 

So, a few days ago on my birthday,
(which I hope you still remember tho)
I posted this tweet on my Twitter :

which I personally think it deserves at least a score of seven
on the scale of 1 to 10 if I was to compete in the competition of
The World's Most Realistically Sarcastic Birthday Quote Of The Year!
(huuu what a lousy name but I'm pretty sure there are worse names than this)

And then, stupidly (you'll know WHY later) I decided to repost
this tweet on my Facebook, which, if you've read one of my blog post
wayyyyy back in 2014, you'll know that I've blocked several people
(including a few relatives, no jokes) because I was utterly terrified
by HOW BUSYBODY AND DEEPLY INTERESTED they are about my personal life.
It took me almost a year to finally unblock them and let them back into my life.
 But apparently they still didn't lose their interests on me. 

Okay resume to my story.
Shortly after I posted the status on my Facebook (1 hour to be precise),
I noticed W (an unknown to represent the person) left a comment
advising me to not showcase my negative feelings on such a high profile.
I was speechless at the sight of that serious-toned comment because
Or is it only in my opinion?? Hello??
And the creepiest thing is, I noticed that W actually liked/seen that status
30 minutes after it's posted BUT only decided to leave comment 1 hour later.
What on earth is W trying to do?

A few thoughts instantly popped up in my mind at that point.
Why did W leave that comment under a status
that means no harm to anybody else except ME?
Why did W publicly commented on my status
when W COULD HAVE message me on Facebook?

I know I know. What a weird thinking I have.
That's basically how my brain works under such situations.
Now you know that. You're welcome.

Instead of confronting W,
I decided to bite the bullet and deleted that status.
I don't want to point out who W is but if you're reading this,
let us all sweep the drama under the carpet shall we?
Don't message me on Facebook to confront me. DON'T.
I wasn't angry, just literally confused by your inability
to interpret my status into something really humorous.
EVEN IF that status wasn't a joke, it's totally normal for
people to post emotional Facebook statuses!
(ESPECIALLY if that person was sick on his birthday)

Nobody has to be happy 24/7.

The intention of this blog post isn't to confront or blame anybody.
It's my realization. A realization that Facebook is the most unsafe place
for me to showcase my sarcasm or to share my feelings when I'm down.
A realization that people on Facebook react differently to a same joke
compared to the people on Twitter, whom are rather open-minded in my opinion.
(Because apparently one of my Twitter follower commented that my
tweet was one of the realest expression of sarcasm in the Y generation, lol)

Most of you who're still reading until here will probably be laughing
at how shallow my mind is, but I seriously couldn't be bothered about what others think.
This thing had been bugging me for a few days and I need to get it off my chest.
I attend marketing class. I know the importance of personal branding.
I know the danger of oversharing on Facebook. You don't need to tell me that.
 But the least thing I want is to be a pretentious person. 
I want to be an authentic person who shares whatever I like whenever I want.
I believe that there are people out there who feel whatever I feel.
I believe that there will always be someone out there that clicks on
with whatever I have to give ------ which in this case, it's my joke, lol.

I hope you guys are having a good day.
Sorry if this blog post brought you negativity,
I will come back next time with another "more positive" blog post.
See you in my next one, Zengarmy.

 photo zeng teck signature_zpscpamp0ov.jpg

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