Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 2, 2015

Running: RHB Half Marathon 2015 (Kuala Lumpur)

Photo Courtesy of Pangiran Kakai

On 8 February 2015, I completed a run in the 10K category at RHB Half Marathon 2015 held at Bukit Jalil National Stadium, Kuala Lumpur. Registered myself at RM40 together with my office-mates Kirubaleni and Hadi. Registration fee was cheap if to compare to other local races nowadays at RM50 - RM70 for a 10K distance.

My race pack was collected by friends since I was not around at that time.

Running Day
Parking was ample at the event venue but at a first-come-first-serve basis. I had to parked about 300 metres away from the start area 15 minutes before the 10K category flag off at 6.30am. There was no baggage deposit facility at this race event, hence didn't brought the official blue colour event tee for photo-op later. 

Started the race with Kirubaleni at the back of the race group along with Marie and friend.

To add, this was my first time running in this area. The route had a lil bit of climb elevation, but not much as Padang Merbok which was fine. It took me a while to find my pace tune after zig-zaging the slow runners at the first KM.

Water stations were well placed with 100 Plus isotonic drink supplies, manned by event volunteers. 

During my run, I saw a large group of LYN Runners in their new pink and black race tee. Such a nice tee design they have there. Saw As Bha Zammi at the other side of the road with his "Run For A Hero" race tee at KM8. We did discussed about having a reunion race for the Condura team earlier. Also, bumped onto Elise at KM9 who was running in the 21KM category.

Nike+ Map (Ignore the red as I end my run late)

I crossed the finish line at 1:08 hours (Gun Time) and successfully achieved my 10K PB on nett time according to Nike+ app. A string bag consisted of finisher medal, F&B coupons, banana and some other stuff was given at the finishing line.

Photo Courtesy of Yew Khuay
Finisher Medal
Regrouped with the MY365Runners like Kakai, Zhaf, Elise, Nieza, Tini, Khairul at the event area for photo-op while waiting for other running friends to finish. Met great people and friends while I was strolling in the area.
Running Friends
Running Friends, Kiru and Hadi
With X-DiGizens
Photo Courtesy of Run & Explore
Sabah Runners: Tini, Ben and Kakai (Photo Courtesy of Pangiran Kakai)
Photo Courtesy of Mohd Azmi GME
Left for breakfast with MY365Runners at Nasi Lemak Tawaf nearby afterwards.

MY365Runners Breakfast
Photo Courtesy of Pangiran Kakai
Exhibition Area
Sharing some shot of the event area.
Exhibition Area
Exhibition Area
Exhibition Area
Exhibition Area
Exhibition Area
Decent finisher medal design. Unfortunately the finisher medal was standardised across without category / distance on it. The Mizuno running tee was fine with a basic design.  

The photobooth section was good, enough to avoid long queues.

Love the ice-cream supply via coupon redemption at the F&B tent. Good post-race entertainment at the main stage too.

A lot of photographers (official and non-official) were seen at the event. Saw Run & Explore, Ken Lee, Yew Khuay in the area. Thanks to all!

It could be better to have a baggage deposit facility for participant belongings i.e. keys, towel, etc. Would also have been better to a finisher tee for the 21K category since it was named as "RHB Half Marathon". The entitlement could motivate more runners to opt for HM.

Summary: A good race event by RHB Bank Malaysia, organisor, sponsors and partners. Looking forward for a more improved race event.

Event Recommendation: ★★★★☆ (4/5)

RHB Half Marathon 2015 Completed!

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