Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 2, 2015

Running: 100Plus Outrunner 2015 (Putrajaya)

This 2015, 100Plus came as a title sponsor to a running event held at Putrajaya on 24 January 2015 named 100Plus Outrunner. It's unfortunate that I didn't managed to register as slots were taken-up in a few days upon open registration. Well, a good sign that more people are into running nowadays.

Lucky for me, I got a buzz by a runner friend, Marie with an extra BIB for 9KM category. Thanks Ann! Collected the race kit from her few days before race day which consisted of a blue race tee and BIB.

Running Day
Reached Putrajaya 20 minutes before the 9KM flag-off time with my run-partner the Turtlena who was running for the 12KM category. The race event got more exciting as I met the usual running friends there such as Azmi GME, Kakai, Niza, Marie and others.

Dropped my baggage at the baggage deposit tent located at the end of the event area, which was really strategic. A numbered was given for my baggage collection after the race by the volunteers there.

Started my run with Azmi GME who was adding KM to his LSD earlier. A lovely firework show was added during the race flag-off. Ran at a basic pace towards the 1st water station.

Azmi GME spotted at flag-off
Water stations were available from KM3 with tons supplies of 100Plus. Thanks to the isotonic water, I managed to reduce the pain from my wisdom tooth which happen earlier in the morning. The tooth-pain did affect my running pattern. Mobile toilets were sufficient along the race route with marshals and volunteers cheering to support.

Water Station
Merged with the 6KM runners at KM6
Crossed the finishing line at 1:10 hours where a goodie bag consisted of finisher medal, a snack pack and mineral water was given. Thought there was a 100Plus bottle drink. Not a good timing for 9KM but I was glad managed to complete the race anyway. 

Finisher Medal

Re-grouped with running friends at the event area for quick catch-up and photo session. Made new friends along the way too. Left the race area around 11pm for supper with Lena and friends.

Running Friends
Running Friends
Running Friends
Running Partner
Finisher medal design was fine even though small in size. A bigger and heavier would be nicer though. The photobooth section was good with sufficient lighting for night photography.

A lot of 100Plus supply tent for post-race hydration at the event area. Goodie bag preparation and distribution was fine. However, didn't see any 100Plus in the goodie bag. A very little numbers of photographers were seen at the event though.

Most importantly, I had so much fun at this event running with partner, running friends and new-found-running-friends.

Summary: Good job! A well done night race event by 100 Plus Malaysia, organisor, sponsors and partners. Looking forward an improved 100Plus Outrunner race next year.

Event Recommendation: ★★★★ (4/5)

100Plus Outrunner 2015 Completed!

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