Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 10, 2014

Running: BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2014 (Putrajaya)

It was my first Half-Marathon at BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2012. This year, I came back running the same category celebrating my 3rd year HM anniversary at the same event.

The only difference this year was the race date, 11 October which was held less than 24 hours with an international marathon event, the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2014 (SCKLM) - 12 October 2014.

I was running alone without any running buddies this year. My brother +Shafwan Wahab had to get enough rest to prepare for his Full Marathon at SCKLM.

Running Day
Parked my car near to the so called Masjid Besi located few hundreds metres away from the event area. There were volunteers as early at 6pm managing the parking spots for participants. 

Met my local Sabahan runners Hazazi and friends at the PNM2014 event area before flag off at 8.15pm. There were Annie and Kelvin from team Honda City Club (HCC) running their first 10K distance and some familiar runner friends too.

Sabah Running Buddies
HCC Running Buddies
Weather was a bit humid and warm due to the haze condition. The haze API was still suitable for the event organisor to continue as planned.

Running route was different from the previous year. Straight road with few loops within the Putrajaya district. Water stations and medical volunteers were located at about every 3KM. Water sponge was available after the KM10 mark.

Distance Markers
Music Video Screen
Medic Volunteers
View of the night
I noticed lack of cheerleaders and supporters along the running route for this year. Something new along the route was was a giant screen with MTV video clips located at KM9 with loud speakers.

Photo courtesy of Victor Chong
Photo courtesy of Victor Chong
Successfully collected my finisher medal at the finishing line. Didn't expect a great finishing time as there was another run at SCKLM2014 the next morning. Another 50 metres away was the finisher tee collection tent. Goodie bag consisted of finisher tee, a banana and snack pack (some kuih were inside).

Route Map from Nike+ Running

Exhibition Area
Good exhibition booth by partners and sponsors at the event area. Only managed to check out the Power Bar booth as I was stocking up some power gels for my brother at home. Pricing was a slightly higher at RM7 per piece instead of RM6.50 per piece at SCKLM2014 expo the day before.

Love the running vest colour design with the yellow and gradient blue. Medal and finisher tee design was all right. Good photo booth wall with lighting for photo session. Didn't see any huge photo wall similar to last year though.

Finisher Medal
Finisher Medal and Tee
Heard that there was issue with the shuttle bus arrangment from city centre which was a new service introduced by the organisor. But can't really comment about it since I didn't use the service. 

Special thanks to all official and freelance photographers for the night. Keep up the good  work!

Summary: Still one of my favourite races in Malaysia. Will come back next year!

Event Recommendation: ★☆ (4/5)

BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2014 Completed!

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