Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 5, 2014

Running: Brooks RUN HAPPY 2014 (Selangor)

Running Day
Reached the event venue 40 minutes before flag off time. Direction markers were seen once I entered MAEPS main gate towards the parking area. Parking was ample with more than 3,000 parking bays in the area. Head to the gathering area making new friends like Gary (if not mistaken) and partner during the short warm-up.

Was looking for a water station for pre-hydration but none to be seen in the starting area. Flag off were delayed 15 - 20 minutes from actual schedule. Not sure why, but guessing that the organisor was not really prepared for flag off.

At about KM2, runners had to get their shoes dirty by running on grass with muddy condition. The first obstacle was the river stream crossing. A bit of a traffic at that sector since runners were trying their best step use the rocks not to get their shoes wet.

The morning scenic throughout the course was beautiful with beautiful ponds / lakes and greenish environment especially from the top of the watch tower. Saw a few horses at the stable area too.

Water station was available at KM3 with 1 - 2 volunteers trying hard to provide mineral water to participants. Didn't notice any medic though. There were a few more basic obstacles that runners had to  do throughout the entire course. These obstacles were not really hard since this was a fun run event.

Sharing more photos taken with my iPhone5.

Stand Tyre Climb
Swinging Tubes
Watch Tower Climb
Watch Tower Climb

Foam Maze
Complete the fun run at 1 hour 2 minutes according to my Nike Running apps. Didn't expect a good timing since this is a fun obstacle run. However, the distance was clocked 7.8KM instead of 9KM on my apps. Furthermore, I was a bit disappointed with the finishing line area. Had no room to do my finishing pose run as there was already a queue before crossing the finishing line.

Long queue for medal collection
Long queue for medal collection
Below running map from my Nike+. Hit GOAL on my Nike FuelBand at 3200 Fuel during that hour too.

Run Map Nike+
GOAL at 3200 Fuel
Collected the finishing medal, a can of 100 Plus and a pack of nasi lemak after almost 10 - 15 minutes in queue. 

Finisher Medal
Exhibition Area
Did managed to check the exhibition area. There were Brooks product booths with great offers on their running apparel. Bumped into my StanChart ex-colleague, Sheeda with husband. MC of the day was on stage with Brooks merchandises freebies through its mini games.

Met Sheeda and Razak
Brooks Product Area
Brooks Product Area
Event Area
Cons: Poorly organised fun run. Think that the fun run was not really up to par with the Brooks brand standard. Lack numbers of volunteers at the water stations and medal collection area. No baggage deposit counter and pre-hydration station for participants. Breakfast menu could be improved. Not so many official photographers covering the event. Run distance was not 9KM even if to include tower climb distance.

Pros: Medal design and quality was nice. Running tee design was excellent. Love the yellow and blue color combination. Running Malaysia magazine photographer was present to provide good photos of runners. You are awesome!

At least I got myself in the shot frame
Summary: Event could be improved in so many aspects. Suitable for new and family type of runners.

Event Recommendation: ★

Brooks RUN HAPPY 2014 Completed!

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