Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 2, 2014

Running: XTERRA Teaser 11KM Night Trail Championship Course (Putrajaya)

I'm In Training For The Worlds

As preparation for 2XU Compression Marathon 2014 in Singapore this coming March,I had to join XTERRA TEASER EVENT: 11KM Night Trail Run Championship Course last weekend. This time, an old running buddy of mine, the Teh Tarik Runner was out running again. Also met Kaulat (one of the Setapak Heavily Kings - Honda City Club) and my husband-wife neighbour at the starting point.

Race Pack Collection
Information for RPEC was shared on XTERRA Malaysia Facebook page 1 week before race day. Email message received the same week. Participant was told to bring RM50 for RFID chip deposit. Why race pack collection on the same day? I'm guessing due to Chinese New Year festive the week before.

Race Day
Parking was fine as the location was at the usual recreation area in Putrajaya.

Running buddy - The Teh Tarik Runner
The 11KM category was flagged off at 6.45pm. Route was 90% trail which include hill clmbing and jungle trackng. Since this is a trail route, overtaking other runners was not easy. There was no distance markers, however direction signages were clear along the running path.

At 7.30pm, I had to use my headlamp as I had to run towards darkness. Water station was only available at KM8 with supplies of Spritzer mineral water. Was glad that I did prepared with the necessary essentials like water bottles and headlamp. To be honest, without these items, you may give up at KM3 - KM4 if you are a trail-runner beginner like myself.

Had to share the view I got at KM8 with you all. Had to stop recording as I was walking down the hill.

Completed the 11KM distance in style with my hometown flag. This time, the Teh Tarik Runner was holding the other end of the flag. I only allowed it since he is a Sabahan too. #SabahforSabahan. Love the sportsmanship and support from other participants. Collected my medal and an apple upon crossing the finishing line.

Thanks Tristupe for the picture.

My Comments
Race pack collection could be better. The name listing was not sort by alphabetical order, hence took some time until you can find your name. Running tee was a singlet type. Was bit disappointed that it was just a basic singlet --- no brand (cap ayam). Was expecting their previous attire brand brooks with the registration fee.

There was only 1 water station. Should have more for trail beginners like me. Not really sure if the was any but have not seen any medic along the route.

Trail route was fantastic. It was challenging and was a good experience. Medal design could be better.

Also disappointed that there was no finisher tee even though there was a mentioned about finisher tee entitlement on their Facebook page and the BIB.

Summary: Still a good job to organisor for the effort. However, think that last year's 2013 XTERRA event was better. Might be joining for the future event, but depends on runners entitlement.

Event Recommendation: ★★ (2/5)

XTERRA TEASER EVENT: 11KM Night Trail Completed!

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