Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 1, 2014

Running: Only The Best Completes at Newton Challenge 2013 (Kuala Lumpur)

Thank you 2013!
Ended my 2013 year with a 15KM run at the Newton Challenge 2013 Malaysia edition last 29 December 2013 which was held at Bandar Kinrara, Puchong.

Running Day
Reached Bandar Kinrara using Waze 30 minutes before the 15KM category flag off. Parking option is OK with traffic marshals guidance. Was running in my Corregidor Marathon, Philippines running tee instead of the official Newton Challenge this time for better visibility.

The running route was challenging with elevation up to 90 metres. For the first few KM, it was hard to see where you were running since it was still pitch black, early in the morning. There were no road lights along the route. Visibility was good as the sun comes up. 

This was my first time running in Bandar Kinrara. Lot of house development along the running route. Saw Mr. TriStupe supporting the event and runners by taking photos of runners on his bicycle.

Photo by
Overall, I was having fun during this run since this was my last run for 2013. Sharing you some photos took with my iPhone5.

Completed the 15KM run at 01:06 minutes. Got my medal and bottle water after crossing the finishing line.

Nice medal design
Tracked my running with Nike+ Running.

Met up with Yen and Farrah at the event area. They were running in the same category. Congratulations to Farrah on her excellent timing at 00:42 minutes for 15KM. 

Kudos to all photographers volunteer! You are the best! Had lot of cameras towards the finishing line.

MC was good too. Got mentioned on the PA system as a Sabah runner when I was crossing the finishing line. Just a bit lack of distance markers along the route. Had to refer own app for remaining distance. I had lot of interaction with other runners though.

Summary: Great final running event for 2013. Good job to organisors and partners.

Event Recommendation: ★★★ (3/5)

 Newton Challenge 2013 Completed!

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