Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 11, 2017


Photo credits : Kelson Tan (aka my friend)

Hey Zengarmy,

▲ My friend Kelson actually managed to grab two tickets!

I think the ticket says it all. So, no big deal, I casually went to Ed Sheeran's
Divide Tour concert last Tuesday night & crossed off one of my bucket list's
point ahglshgarytglwhgblfajsbglshblajhbladhbladhbalhblaladhjblh?????!!!!!!

My inner fangirl swooning:

Just a disclaimer, this post will be a very quick one as I did not manage to
take a lot of photos & videos. Well, actually I did — but my laptop decided
When found out all the photos and videos were deleted, I didn't even
flinch my eyes because I knew life just doesn't want me to succeed.

I. fucking. knew. it.

Anyway, as I was saying, I resort to using my friend Kelson's photos, and
he kindly agreed to my request — so all these photos that you are about
to see were all of his creations! Just thought that I would make that clear.
Just read this post as more of a visual diary (or whatever you wanna call it).

We entered the concert hall an hour earlier because there really wasn't THAT many
interesting activities at the perimeter to do apart from buying merchandise & playing
uninteresting games sponsored by companies who sponsored the event 😂 I wasn't like
a die-hard fan of Ed Sheeran (I still love him don't discredit that) so I decided to skip
the merchandise part. *Note: I was already broke from spending RM300 on the ticket*
You have to be owning a bank full of 💰💰💰 to become a die-hard fan. That is a fact.

We're greeted by the opening act Lauv & were totally blew away by his performance.
He was a surprise for me because being a lazy ass bitch I had no idea if there will be an
opening act for the concert (common sense: huge concerts usually have opening acts)!
If you remembered him from his hit song "I Like Me Better" on Spotify, you and I are
on the same boat. I actually included his songs in a few of my Music Mondayz posts
so I wasn't being a fake polite bitch when I say I am a fan of his music. He truly is
one of the up-and-coming rising star to look out for! And he is cute or whutevah!

▲ Photo courtesy of

PS: don't think the official page posted HD photos for the Malaysia station so I
just simply took whatever they posted lol. This is TOTALLY NOT what he wore
that night hahahahah but I just wanted to show his beautiful face to you guys!

After performing for about 30 minutes, Lauv retreated from the stage and left us in
sheer excitement for Ed Sheeran's entrance (is it weird to call him Ed from now on?).
The concert started on time at 8:30 p.m., WHICH IS A MIRACLE. I was pleasantly
surprised by Ed's punctuality in spite of his huge worldwide fame. We all know pop
stars can get stuck up when they blew up (Mariah Carey, anyone?) but Ed is one of
the most down-to-earth artists I've encountered so far. He started off the show with
Castle on The Hill and the crowd went all gaga for him! We bought the cheaper seats
(which is located higher and further away from the stage) so the views are pretty bad.
I don't think I'm going to use any of our own photos so the following visuals are all taken
from Twitter the Great, Resourceful and Almighty. Photo credits are given accordingly.

▲ Photo courtesy of
▲ Photo courtesy of
▲ Photo courtesy of

I don't think I need to justify how good Ed Sheeran sounds live. Apart from his own
songs, he covered Michael Bublé's Feeling Good and merged the song with his own
song I See Fire (from the Album "X"). He sounded tired at some of his falsettos,
particularly during Sing — but who doesn't sound tired after singing the exact
same song for 387586196 times on a world tour? I utterly enjoyed the entire
concert and have zero regrets on my money spent. His talent is infectious,
and his passion in his music and arts bubbles like a hot pool of lava that is
un-containable and heart-melting. I was a bit disappointed that he didn't
perform more heartbreak songs like One or Supermarket Flowers — but
again... who the fuck goes to a concert to feel sad hahahahhahahahah?

I take back my words. He is fucking amazing.

In fact, when he sang Happier, I almost cried 😭😭😭 But I wasn't going to take
any risks of having my makeup smeared, so I sucked it up by constantly thinking
of unicorns as distraction. The set lists (aka song selection) for the concert are
more inclined towards his recent "Divide" and "X" albums (obviously), but he did
perform The A-Team (the first song that got me hooked), which I shamelessly
shout-sang the entire song throughout his performance. Undoubtedly, a couple
of couples (or a few couples) had their wedding proposal done at the concert
when Ed sang Thinking Out Loud. Like, I'm not even surprised anymore cause
people nowadays have zero originality & would do the same thing again + again.

With a final encore of You Need Me, I Don't Need You (you can check the FULL
set list by clicking HERE), the concert ended in around 2 hours of time after
17 song performances. This concert gave me the ultimate satisfaction and
I will recommend EVERYBODY who missed this concert to go to his future
concerts when opportunity arises. You HAVE TO — at least once in your life!

This will be my last post on this blog
until I finished my finals on the 15th
of December!!! I shall see you again
when it's THE Christmas monthhh!!



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