Hey Zengarmy,
No idea what movie to watch this weekend? Fret not,
"Pride And Prejudice And Zombies" might be the one for you!
I watched the movie this morning, and thought it was seriously not bad!
Pride and Prejudice … AND ZOMBIES?? The title of the movie itself already
sounds terribly weird. It sounds like a joke, a bad B-movie & a flop, but is it?
To be frank, after watching the trailer of this movie,
I thought the movie would be another well-marketed flop.
But after watching it today, I honestly enjoy the entire movie!
This movie has a very unusual premise… but not a unique one.
It is neither a comedy nor a romance nor a horror movie.
It's somewhere in between all those 3 elements, where the
element of thriller takes up the most percentage of the plot.
If you're tempted to dismiss this movie as a disrespect to the
classic literature "Price and Prejudice", I don't think it's necessary.
"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is tough to describe and do it justice.
It's strange, but not too weird. It's a B-movie that doesn't play like a B-movie.
Production values are high, the acting is strong and the plot is well-constructed.
Besides, the movie smartly avoids extremes. If you're not a fan of blood and gore,
the zombie killings in this movie are not overly gory. However, do take note that
there are several close-up scenes where the brain of zombie is blew up by a gun.
On the side note, the comedy in this movie is lightly tinted (which I prefer) and
the romance part isn't too sappy. I would say this movie is a balanced combination
between comedy, romance & thriller, where the thriller part makes the core of story.
Oh, just a reminder here that if you're going to watch this movie, kindly stay for
a while for the movie credits to end BECAUSE THERE'S AN EXTRA BONUS SCENE!!
Pride + Prejudice + Zombies = 6.8 out of 10 marks
As a first-time watcher of this movie, I honestly think that it's entertaining.
Does it worth the money? I would say YES! Watching this with your squad would be
a good weekend plan for this week! (PS: take note that the cast is good-looking.)
I would recommend this movie to anybody who doesn't want to be scared to death
or moved to tears in the cinema. However, I can't deny the fact that this movie
would be another "disposable" movie by Hollywood. Unlike A* movies such as
Inception, where people would keep on re-watching and re-watching over time,
nobody would give a shit about this movie after the movie is out for a few months.

Or I might be wrong and people actually love this movie to their bones.
I always have a very different point of view from other people anyway.


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