Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 1, 2015

Running: MPIB 2015 (Kuala Lumpur)

Began my 2015 race calendar at Multi-Purpose Insurance Run 2015 (MPIB) which was held on 11 January 2015 at Padang Merbok, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

I was lucky able to signed up after the organisor re-opened their registration end December last year. This was my first time running in this particular event since I was not a fan of the hilly race route around Padang Merbok. Since its the new year, what the heck - decided to do things differently this year. Also, need to have a warm-up race for my next half marathon in 3 weeks time.

Race Pack Collection
REPC was held 3 weeks earlier prior to the race date at Lot 10, Bukit Bintang. Read my feedback in my post comments section.

Race Day
No problem for me getting to the race venue since I was riding insted of driving. Parking area for cars was shared to participants via organisor Facebook page. Flag off for 12KM was at 7.00am (Male) and 7.10am (Female).

Baggage deposit took a while since it was done manually i.e. number given and stapled to BIB with marker pen. However, still a fast and friendly service by the volunteers, even with 2 - 3 people.

Started my run slower than my usual pace for this round due to no fitness training almost for a month. Distance markers were seen at every KM. Towed along my running buddy, Lena at KM2+ throughout the entire race.

Water Station
Distance Marker
Race Route View
Medical Volunteers
Water stations were available with water and Revive isotonic. Medical volunteers and traffic marshals were seen at every turn check-points. Also, saw some numbers of mobile toilets along the race route.

Running Buddy, Turtlena
Photo Courtesy of Running Malaysia Magazine
Finished my first 12KM for 2015 at 1:25 hours. Not my PB but a good start to pickup my fitness again. Received the goodie bag at the finishing line with finisher medal, banana, hand towel, mineral water and some snacks inside.

Finisher Medal
Goodie Bag
Exhibition Area
Regrouped with Lena at the long queue for an iced-cold Milo. Well, Milo is always popular at any race event. They had free drinks, free breakfast cereal and free ice-cream. Met the other running buddies Kakai, Kartini, Elise, the 365 Runners, the LYN Runners and others at the event area for photo-op too. 

Tons of exhibition booths by sponsors and partners in the area. Copy and paste from MPIB email earlier for the list, "New Balance, Revive Isotonic, Running Malaysia, Pacific Regency Hotel Group and Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur; as well as Affin Hwang Capital, BP Healthcare Group, Mamee, Magnum, Nestlé Fitnesse, Nestlé Milo, Pilatique, Pinang Medical Supplies, KT Tape, Leong Adjustment Sdn. Bhd., Safeguards G4S, Simply Juice, Massimo and Penyelarasan Angkasa Sdn Bhd."

Free Ice-Cream
Free Drinks
Exhibition Booth
Exhibition Booth
Running Buddies
Running Buddy
Running Buddy - LYN Runners
I was glad I had signed up for MPIB this year. A very good experience and race event early of the year.

Finisher medal design was OK. But think the lanyard with printing should be at the outside. The running vest design was basic but with some quality improvements. 

Got nice photowall at the event area for photo-op. Love the RTRT Live Tracker by Official timing result was upload on the next day via their official Facebook page.

Race pack collection day could be better. I was standing in line for almost 20 minutes to reached the counter. Collection mechanics could be digitised instead of manual list reference due to number of participants - Just my 2 cents. However, collection nearing to closing time was really fast due to less people.

Big thanks to all photographers at the scene. Saw Run & Explore, Running Magazine, RFF and other freelance photographers there.

Summary: Excellent race event by MPIB, organisor, sponsors and partners. Keep up the good work.

Event Recommendation: ★★★★☆ (4/5)

MPIB 2015 Completed!

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